Millie Libman, who is 93 years young and a resident of the Seasons at Glenview Place in Northbrook, Illinois, always shared a special bond with her mother as the youngest of nine children. In 1902, well before Millie’s birth, her mother left Russia with two young children to reunite with her husband and embark on a new life in Detroit. Growing up, Millie’s mother would tell her stories of how she traveled to America and was amazed at seeing the Statue of Liberty as their ship approached Ellis Island after 14 days at sea. These stories fueled Millie’s quest to relive her mother’s experience.
Last April, her dream came true thanks to Brookdale Senior Living and Wish of a Lifetime, when three generations of her family traveled to New York to retrace her mother’s steps through Ellis Island. With the help of the American Family Immigration History Center’s staff, Millie was thrilled to locate her mother’s arrival records.
Please take a few minutes to watch Millie’s heartwarming story, and if you wish, share your own family’s story of arrival with us.
And if you’d like to search for your ancestor’s arrival, you can start your search here!
If you wish, share your own family’s story of arrival with us.
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